Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve had many entrepreneurs and professionals ask me why I chose to offer professional speaking services. Offering professional speaking as a service was a personal decision driven by my desire to share valuable information with people to solve their problem. Thanks to social media, podcasts, YouTube, my agency Resources Page, and blog, I can now extend my assistance to those that may not be ready to meet face to face just yet or hire my agency. It is enriching when I meet individuals in person, and they have utilized the resources that I have shared at presentations and online.
The reason I am sharing this portion of my entrepreneurial journey with you is so that you can see the benefit of establishing trust with your audience. Being able to offer extensions of your offerings in a variety of ways allows you to meet your audience where they are at a point in their journey. Not every point of contact converts into a client. However, every point of contact if done correctly, can convert into a new member of your community. This community can act as advocates for you. Those in your community provide sources for referral and genuine references.
My ultimate goal as an entrepreneurial connector is to effectively listen when meeting individuals so that I can gain a clear understanding of the problem they solve. This information is always stored for later use so that I can connect them with helpful individuals as applicable.
Over time, I have also been asked why I share free information and demonstrate such a passion for connecting others. For me, that is the rewarding side of entrepreneurship. There is nothing more rewarding than helping an individual evaluate their professional and educational background to craft their brand story, identify their correct target market, develop services and then market strategically to get in front of as many people as they can using their existing resources.
My last piece of advice would be that you will never know every individual that has visited your website, utilized information you share or listened to you from the corner of a crowded room. Just remember, someone is watching and waiting to learn from you.